The Queen’s Goals was founded by Vanessa Alily and a team amazing young women in June 2017. It is social initiative targeted at empowerment female students in High Schools. We target the mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional as well as academically well being of young Queens in high schools. We target female students from Grade 8-12 and employ the use of goal setting as a tool to help the girls craft a better future.
We organize seminars and workshops were influential speakers come and inspire and motivate the girls. Our mandate as an organization;
• Educate and empower young female learners into future leaders.
• Provide young female learners with a sense of well being and confidence in themselves.
• To help these young Queens transcend the unrealistic expectations placed on the shoulders of women and help them see beauty in themselves and their bodies no matter the shape, size or Colour.
• Enable them chose the right career path for their future.
• To encourage hygienic practices amongst young women.
• Introducing them to respectable mentors and role models.
• Creating a forum for open and interactive networking to encourage female bonding and lasting friendships.
We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.
Our Mission
Educate and empower young female learners
Provide young female learners with a sense of well being and confidence in themselves
Enable them chose the right career path for their future.
To encourage hygienic practices amongst young women.
Introducing them to respectable mentors and role models.
Creating a forum for open and interactive networking to encourage female bonding and lasting friendships.
Our Vision
Young women need to learn the importance of goal setting and most especially from the young age in order for them to set a bright future for themselves. We aim to discuss with the girls to find out what goals they have set for themselves, what they are to set for themselves and why, if they have not set such goals, the practical steps on ways to set them.